About Us

Experienced Professionals on a Mission to Promote Smart Healthcare

Northeast Scientific is a high-end medical device reprocessor with over a dozen reprocessed devices currently available for commercial sale and serval additional products in development. Along with our exceptional team we have a retired board certified surgeon and a currently practicing board certified vascular surgeon helping guide and inspire our day-to-day operations.
Their insight and knowledge help guide NEScientific policy and operations, empowering us to provide the professional reassurance that concerned surgeons and executives seek, regarding quality and reliability in a healthcare world that is rapidly refocusing on cost savings.

The NEScientific team is composed of experienced professionals dedicated to improving healthcare while reducing the impact on the environment.

Over the course of our company history, we’ve developed and honed our company’s resources for the safe and effective reprocessing of high-value surgical instruments. We serve all 50 states, Latin America, Europe, and the Middle East from our facility in the northeastern USA.

Committed to A Better Future Worldwide

NEScientific is committed to creating a better future for all people across the world through access to high-quality medical equipment. Our main corporate social responsibility initiative is partnering with World Pace, a nonprofit organization that donates explanted, professionally reprocessed cardiac pacemakers to those in need around the world. These devices would otherwise be disposed of as medical waste in the USA but are now able to help save the lives of people who would otherwise not be able to receive these devices.

Company Timeline

Our Mission at NEScientific is the relentless pursuit of fundamental and profound change in the medical device industry. Redefining the cost/quality paradigm in the medical device industry by creating significant cost savings with reprocessed devices.

  1. Company Founded

    Class 1 Device Sales

  2. Pacemaker Program

  3. Closurefast 510(k)

  4. ISO Certified 2003Rev

    EsoSure 510(k)

    Relocated to current HQ

  5. ISO Certified 2016Rev

  6. RFS Stylet 510(k)

  7. International Sales & Marketing

    .035 IVUS 510(k)

  8. Warehouse Expansion

    .014 IVUS 510(k)

  9. Implemented MasterControl and NetSuite software solutions

  10. Turbo Elite 510(k)
    Expanded Production Facility
    Expanded Fulfillment and Warehouse

  11. Eagle Eye IVUS 510(k)
    New Administration Building

Letter From Our CEO

Craig D. Allmendinger
Chief Executive Officer
Northeast Scientific, Inc.

Dear Colleagues and Healthcare Providers,

Since 2005 when Northeast Scientific started operations, we have seen major changes in the reprocessing industry.

Northeast Scientific continues to differentiate itself from the mainstream by focusing on advanced, high-value surgical devices. Our commitment to delivering new technologies while finding new and innovative ways to improve savings has not changed.

Going forward, we have several new and creative approaches that are nearly ready for implementation. By applying what we have learned, and by considering the concerns and recommendations of surgeons and administrators, we promise to deliver savings and innovative technology in the most critical and dynamic areas of healthcare. Today and into the future, Northeast Scientific is Smart Healthcare™